Home Coronavirus Harrogate Borough Council offers free FSB membership to 200 SMEs and self-employed.

Harrogate Borough Council offers free FSB membership to 200 SMEs and self-employed.


Harrogate Borough Council has announced that it will grant free Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) membership to 200 self-employed and small businesses in the Harrogate district. Firms with up to 250 employees are eligible, with applications now open on a first come, first served basis.

The support is being funded through the government’s COVID business recovery programme. FSB membership gives businesses access to an array of services, including legal advice, banking and help with accessing funding, among other benefits.

To apply, small businesses and self-employed workers in the area can contact Nick.Bradley@fsb.org.uk using the reference HBC. A membership advisor will then be in touch to help them access funding and sign up to receive FSB membership benefits.

Harrogate Borough Council Director of Economy, Environment and Housing Trevor Watson said: “Harrogate Borough’s small, micro and one-person businesses are a vital part of our economy, employing thousands of people right across the Harrogate district. Not all have been reached by government packages during the pandemic, and many are struggling to get back to pre-pandemic levels of trading.”

“FSB membership will offer up to 200 businesses with employment advice and protection and one to one legal advice, and a wide range of benefits from the FSB, which should help speed their recovery from the crisis. We recognise that membership of FSB can offer complementary services to our own and regional business advice support services, and look forward to seeing businesses take up the offer.”

The FSB’s Development Manager York & North Yorkshire Carolyn Frank added: “We are seeing more demand than ever for our services as small businesses and the self-employed find themselves needing advice and guidance, financial support and a powerful collective voice with government.”

“We are very grateful to Harrogate Borough Council for their support funding free FSB memberships from their COVID business recovery funding, which is helping us reach even more businesses in the Borough with specialist 1-2-1 advice and support. They have rightly identified the importance of the smallest businesses to the local economy and we look forward to supporting these businesses by welcoming them to the FSB.”